URGENT UPDATE: Due to a broadcast issue with Verizon, TGH is currently having trouble receiving incoming calls. If you have an emergency, please call 911. We encourage patients to use MyChart for any non-urgent communications. Our vendors are working diligently to resolve the issues as quickly as possible.

Before You Arrive

The Bravera Health Network, including Bravera Health Brooksville, Bravera Health Spring Hill and Bravera Health Seven Rivers, including physician clinics and outpatient services, are now part of Tampa General Hospital. TGH Brooksville, TGH Spring Hill and TGH Crystal River make up our TGH North division.

The team members at TGH North want you to be involved with your health care. We understand the hesitation of our patients because they are not sure what to expect when they are scheduled for a procedure. You always have the right to ask questions and we encourage you to take an active role in your health care. We strive to make your admittance to our hospitals as smooth and comfortable as possible. One way to ease any concerns you may have is to take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with our processes before you arrive.

To prepare for the registration process, please bring the following items with you:

  • Your health insurance card
  • Personal identification (such as driver's license or picture ID)
  • List of current medications
  • List of current physicians and their phone numbers
  • A copy of your advance directives (if you have created any)
  • Any medical records, X-ray films or test (if you doctor has requested them)

Preparing For Surgery
If you are having a surgical procedure, a member of our team will escort you and your family to our surgical suite. A surgical waiting room is available near our surgery suite for the comfort of your family and friends.

Depending upon your procedure, you may be directed to an exam room where you will change into a hospital gown. If you are scheduled for a procedure that requires an overnight stay, your personal items will be identified and taken to the nurse's station on your unit. Please send home any valuables that you have with you. If you must keep your valuables at the hospital, we urge you to place them in the hospital safe.

Your nurse may conduct a brief examination, which could include taking your temperature, blood pressure, height and weight, and listening to your heart through a stethoscope.

At some point, your surgeon and anesthesiologist will speak to you prior to surgery. You will be asked to sign a consent for procedure form if you did not previously complete one in your surgeon's office.

Please be sure to ask any member of your health care team if you have further questions about your upcoming surgery. In order to prepare, be sure to:

  • Stop eating and drinking after midnight before surgery, or as directed.
  • Ask when to stop taking aspirin or other blood thinners, herbs, vitamins and supplements. Some of these can interfere with surgery or interact with other medications.
  • Ask which medications you should continue to take. If told to take your medication on the day of surgery, do so with only a sip of water, or as directed.
  • If you smoke, cut down or quit.
  • Arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled surgery time.

What To Bring:
The following guidelines are for you to use when bringing personal belongings from home while a patient at our hospitals.

  • For your added comfort during your stay with us, you are welcome to bring personal toiletry items.
  • It is important that you inform your nurse of any medications you may have brought with you to the hospital including any complementary/alternative medications (i.e. herbal products).
  • To prevent electrical shock or fire, bringing in personal electrical devices is strongly discouraged.
  • If you do bring in any electrical equipment, it is a requirement that it be checked by the Plant Operations Department prior to use. We strongly recommend leaving your valuables at home where you know they are safe. The hospital will not accept liability for any valuables you choose to leave in your room.