URGENT UPDATE: Due to a broadcast issue with Verizon, TGH is currently having trouble receiving incoming calls. If you have an emergency, please call 911. We encourage patients to use MyChart for any non-urgent communications. Our vendors are working diligently to resolve the issues as quickly as possible.

Going Home

Discharge planning begins on admission, or even before your admission. Depending upon the reason for your hospitalization, you may require certain referrals for assistance upon discharge. These referrals may be coordinated through your nursing staff and physician, or may require assistance from the case management department. Your physician may encourage you to contact the case management department prior to your admission, to discuss discharge options available to you.

The case management department at TGH North is staffed by registered nurse case managers, a master prepared social worker, and a concurrent authorization coordinator, who assist each person with his/her individual needs, as required. These services may include:

  • Home care
  • Skilled nursing facilities
  • Medical equipment
  • Continued outpatient hospital services
  • Support group contact information
  • Community services

A case manager is a registered nurse who reviews your care plans while you are in the hospital. The case manager ensures that your care is timely and coordinated among all health care team members.

The case manager is skilled in all aspects of insurance coverage. He/she communicates with the insurance companies to review your plan of care and hospital coverage and to clarify exactly what your health care plan covers. The case manager will then be able to help you plan for discharge needs accordingly. Finally, the case manager facilitates and communicates treatment and discharge planning with you, your family and all members of the health care team.

Social Work Services

Social work services are available to hospital patients, and include:

  • Helping you sort through available options that address a range of family issues, including caregiver and parenting support, addictions and counseling.
  • Serving as a resource to connect you with community social services and other community agencies.
  • Understanding how a change in your medical status can contribute to other worries, such as finances.

The case management department respects patient choice and abides by governmental regulations. Patients will be referred to the continuing care agency of their choice, or a list is available of all local certified Medicare agencies to choose from. Discharge referrals, as ordered by your physician, will be coordinated by case management in conjunction with you, your family and your insurance provider.

During your stay, you may automatically be seen by a member of the case management staff, or your physician may request a case management consult to assist in coordinating any continued care that you may need. Patients and families are welcome to contact the case management department at any time with any questions or concerns.

Our normal hours of operations are Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. A confidential voicemail is available at (352) 576-5375 for TGH Spring Hill, (352) 576-5753 for Crystal River and at (352) 576-5375 for TGH Brooksville.

Questionnaire for Patients

Shortly after discharge, you may receive a questionnaire inquiring about your treatment and care. We appreciate your comments and suggestions to help us evaluate and improve the quality of our services.